
I was planning an elegant explanation of what this blog is all about, but… I’m really not good with ‘the words’ (thus, all ‘the images’). Anyway, I’m a dude with a strange compulsion to make kitschy stuff. I’m also lucky enough to have a wonderful wife. Somehow she puts up with the fact my going more than a few weeks without producing… something (photos, drawings, paintings, mixed media – anything, really) results in my getting all twitchy and weird (thus, the blog).

That about sums it up, I guess. Thank you very much for stopping by the fridge – feel free to visit often, and leave a few comments if you’d like (I sure do appreciate it)!



92 thoughts on “About

    • Thank you so much, P.M. that is so very kind of you!
      I should warn you, though, I’m not used to winning awards… this is the sort of thing that could easily go to my head! 🙂

  1. St. Louis? I was wondering where you were shooting from.

    Wonderful photos – I’ve started making regular visits now to see what you’re doing.

    • Many thanks, sir – I appreciate that very much! And I love the work you do over on All City, an amazing collection of photography, sir! I always look forward to seeing what you guys are up to over there!

  2. Pingback: Pro Photo Theme is My Dream Theme

  3. Just thought I’d stop by and say “Hello!” since I spotted you on Redneck Princess’s blog as her ‘Blog of the week’. (She’s so great at giving a shout out to the rest of us.) I love your pics. You take the seemingly average and turn it into something with personality. I admire that. I myself can write a little, but photography is definitely not my forte. I ‘stammer’ through it much like people who are not good with words might speak. Just wanted to give you a thumbs up on your pics. Great job. Nice meeting you!

    • I was so flattered to be included… RNP is very, very kind! She totally made my week! Or month!
      I’m very happy you stopped by to say hi!
      And thank you for your wonderful comment as well – I appreciate that very much! I figure if I keep at it long enough some day I’ll be happy with some of it. Maybe. I hope!
      Thank you again, PKLB! It was very nice meeting you as well! 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by, Mizz! I really appreciate it!
      Honestly (and obviously) I know very little about how a lot of that works, sorry! I did find (and add) an e-mail subscription widget to my right menu, I think there’s a RSS feed at the very bottom right of the page, and if you are logged into your WordPress account I think you might be able to use the subscribe button on your user toolbar. Thank you again, Mizz – I hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. This has been more fun than I’ve had for awhile and certainly more interesting… I missed the Surrealist show in St. Louis this summer, so you’re filling in.

    And… one of your favorite links – no idea which – the weird hospital one? let me see a photo of a baby giraffe. Now how cool is that…. thanks!

    • I missed a lot of things this summer! Where did it go?! I guess time flies when you’re blogging!
      Ah, yes… Nurse Myra’s Gimcrack Hospital… baby animals are always fun, aren’t they?!
      Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a kind comment, Ms. S… I really do appreciate it! 🙂

  5. I have seen you around WordPress quite often and so I thought why not call by and have a browse, okay a nosy around then? 🙂 So that is what I will be doing over the weekend, calling in, flapping around your Space and leaving my thoughts all over the place…

    In the meantime why not call over and take a look inside My Gothic Realm, it is a friendly environment filled with Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, Ghouls, Nymphs, Skeletons and the odd wicked friend or ten 🙂

    You are welcome to take a seat by the tombstones but perhaps bringing along a wooden mallet and some sharpened stakes might be a good idea, just in case? 🙂 lol

    Have a wicked rest of day and evening Spilled-Ink-Guy


    • I very much appreciate your stopping by, Androgoth, thank you!
      Sounds like a great idea…
      I might just have to take you up on that!
      Thank you again – I hope that you have a wonderful evening as well!

  6. I’ve seen your comments on Good Greatsby’s blog for months, but never thought to stop by… Probably because your icon looks sinister, and he might EAT my little Dove icon. Can’t have that.

    Great stuff, a lot of feeling and visual transportation going on.


  7. Pingback: Pro Photo Theme is My Dream Theme | Dummies of the Year!

  8. Pingback: Daguerre In Toyland « Dark Pines Photo

    • Wonderful (I was a bit nervous you might not like it after I talked it up so much)!
      I love pretty much anything and everything Wes Anderson was involved with.
      Thank you, N.M. – we’re wishing the the very happiest of holidays as well!

  9. Your ‘Kitschy’ stuff is more artistic than a lot of the stuff that the critics want us to look at – Keep it going, I always look forward to your next creation 🙂

    • I just work on things I find interesting and keep my fingers crossed that every now and then something will work!
      You are always very, very generous, Martin – I thank you for your great kindness, sir!

  10. Pingback: Hey, Spilled Ink Guy! Let’s Play 20 Questions! | The Byronic Man

  11. As much as we comment back and forth on each other’s blog (which is great), I’ve never taken the time to tell you how much I enjoy your blog, but even more, you wonderful sense of humor!
    Have a great day, and give my best to Annabelle! 🙂

  12. Pingback: Existential Friday: Invasion « Dark Pines Photo

    • Thank you so much!
      Both for stopping by and for your kind comment as well! I sincerely appreciate it!
      Me, too! If she didn’t have the patience of a saint I’d be in some SERIOUS trouble!

  13. not good with ‘the words’ (thus, all ‘the images’). No need for words my the more we become silent, will be better for us.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, be in touch with my blog

  14. Hello Mr Spilledink! I’ve really enjoyed looking through your wonderful talent of photography and art and you are definitely my kind of arty person! So I will be back to look at some more soon!
    Suzy 😀

    • Thank you so much for all the time you’ve taken to look through my stuff! I really appreciate it! And your very kind comments as well! I’ll be looking forward to it! Thank you again, S.W.M!

    • Not at all – thank YOU! I appreciate it very much!
      Hahaha… yeah… I picked that name because I feel like I’m king-o-making stuff that would feel at home stuck to a refrigerator… maybe with some of those giant letters…

  15. Those are really great shots. They’re strong images that stand out.
    I just usually check out photos on my reader but I’m following you because you’ve consistently posted amazing visual art. Thanks for sharing your talent!

    • Thank you so much for your kindness, Jake! I usually don’t follow blogs (because I tend to get lost in all the e-mail notifications), but I was very impressed by your work and I’m very much looking forward to checking out more! Thank you again, sir! Very much! 🙂

  16. Pingback: My Blogging One Year Anniversary | The Bumble Files

  17. Love some of these shots, only had a chance to have a quick peep around but it looks really interesting. So although I just came over to say ‘Thanks for the Like on Indulgence – Sands of Time”, here’s a follow. MM

  18. Hello Spilledinkguy! I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and liking my posts. I really appreciate it! I was happy to find a great blog here – very cool photos and a unique approach! I like it!

  19. Hi thanks for liking my poem. I know how you feel, I get lot of stuff in my drawers that’s unfinished and I just don’t know what to do with them. That’s what you call “creative block” I guess. Looking forward to seeing some of your finished work!

    • My pleasure! And thank you!
      One of my biggest problems on that front is that I am SO slow… I literally have notebooks full of sketches / ideas… and for every project I manage to complete I come up with at least 2 new ideas… but did I mention.. I’m slow? Very frustrating, indeed (although not nearly as frustrating as not being able to work on something – for whatever reason)! 🙂

    • I sincerely thank you for all the time you have spent looking through my blog, Malin! I know how time consuming this kind of thing can be… I appreciate that very, very much! And all your incredibly kind comments as well! I don’t know that anyone has been able to stand looking through posts for longer than you have – it really does mean a lot, Malin! Thank you again! Very much!

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