
Here’s a very similar set-up to my last chrysanthemum post, only today’s image wasn’t back-lit, which changed the feel of things quite a bit (I think).

And Duct Tape is good stuff. Just to reiterate.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Adam Savage: “Having been unable to coax a bird into my snare, I’ve changed direction… and I’m not actually building a Duct Tape spider web here, I’m building a net that will lay across the forest floor, and when a chicken walks across it, I’ll snatch him up… kind of like the Ewoks from Star Wars.”

– MythBusters – Duct Tape Island

About this image: digital photograph, lightly modified

67 thoughts on “Chrysanthemum

  1. I once had a car held entirely together with duct tape. Hmm, which has nothing whatsoever to do with Chrysanthemums 😯

    • It’s strange how many different looks you can create from a similar set-up, isn’t it, S.E.? I’ve noticed before that even if I start out processing the exact same photo it will look dramatically different depending on my mood at the time, etc… interesting…

    • Thanks so much!
      HA! The other day I saw some parents who had their kid on one of those Duct Tape harness things…
      (Okay, that’s not so much… ‘true’… but if it were… then… well. You can imagine. Hilarity.)

    • Right?!
      I don’t know if you’ve seen any of these shows, Patti – but they’ve used the stuff to build boats, repair aircraft… you name it, they’ve done it with Duct Tape. Pretty cool!

    • Good call, Peg (they were posted out of order)…
      and a good question, too.
      If only I could remember why I did that now…
      I’m fairly certain there was some reason I did that (probably was something just as simple as I felt like staring at the second one more on the day I posted it, or something like that)

    • Many thanks, Astra!
      It’s kind of funny how I usually start off trying to clean my images up a bit…
      and then I turn around and completely ‘mess them up’ all over again!

    • Thank you so very much, Deb!
      I’m so happy to hear you liked this one! I was hoping it wasn’t silly to post both versions, but they seemed different enough (and it had been a while since I had the other up), so I thought I’d give it a try!

  2. D’oh! I was just mentioning your masculine art in a comment reply and swing by your blog to find this? It’s beautiful -and unexpected! You have a way of messing with my mind SiG. And finally I now know how to spell chrysanthemum and will never have to google it again which makes it beautiful, unexpected AND educational!

    Speaking of duct tape- We once to our song to Bimini a tiny Bahamian island 50 miles off the coast of Florida- for a seaplane adventure and weekend getaway. When we arrived his w/c seatback had been in flight. Finally we were able to find someone at the airport with duct tape! Apparently it is worth $10 a roll there (in the year 1997) but the man charged us nothing to fix his chair thus saving our trip- and wouldn’t even take a tip nice guy. When we got home we sent him 3 rolls to replenish what we had used and more. That’s my story about duct tape. It’s awesome for anything- even wheelchairs!

    • Hahaha… yeah, I guess this one is a bit of a departure. Not sure what my deal is – I tend to keep trying different stuff – to hopefully keep things interesting, although that probably also means never really getting the hang of one subject / type of subject matter.

      That’s a wonderful story, Lynn. Always so inspiring to hear about those genuinely nice people who are happy to help… just to help (like you and Rip are doing). Duct Tape is some pretty incredible stuff, really. I’ve seen episodes of Mythbusters where they’ve used it to repair aircraft, build working boats… you name it. Pretty cool!

      • I used to love that show, we dont gt it over here.heard that duct tape was originally used to keep ammo cases dry so I can believe it’d be good for fixing boats and aircraft although I dont like to think about my plane being held together with it. Lol.

        • I have to admit I like it quite a bit too, Lynn! Good times!
          I would definitely believe that! The stuff is pretty spectacular – definitely appreciated for use on Terra Firma, too!

  3. Hey Bob – have you tried double sided tape? You can hang whole items of telecoms equipment on walls with it as long as you exit the customer’s premises very promptly afterwards πŸ˜‰

    interesting variation on your Chrysanthemum theme – the background tray (?) has some fascinating patterns that really complement the flower and the style you’ve applied πŸ™‚

    • Also a very effective choice, Martin! Hahaha… decorate and run, I guess!
      Thanks so much! The background is a small stained glass window in our apartment… I always thought it was kind of cool looking – particularly with the edges (because it reminded me of just that – really does look like some kind of tray from Biology class/lab, doesn’t it?)!

  4. Excellent work. Superb image.
    ” I can feel a disturbance in the duct tape.” ;D

    BTW I have posted the Part 2 Of Bread & Bear. Also I don’t think you have seen the start of my Caravaggio sequence posts (Surreal Thursday). They are full of airships and strange towers. Enjoy the weekend. May the duct tape be with you.

    • Hahaha…
      “The duct tape is strong with this one…”

      Sounds fantastic! I’ll be sure to stop by and check everything out tomorrow when I’m making my rounds! I’d head over sooner except I’m half-asleep at the moment. That and I’m paranoid about leaving a comment on an off day because I’m paranoid some of my other blogging buddies will see it and feel bad / wonder why I haven’t stopped by their blog(s) yet (silly, I know – as I am about most things, I guess)…

  5. That incredible background looks good enough to eat in that sweet brittle, crunchy, burned caramel with a chrysanthemum on top kind of way. Love the rolled edges!

    • Thanks so very much, Ms. K!
      As soon as I saw that window I knew I was going to have to use it for something! Kinda fun, isn’t it?! I have a feeling I’m not done with that backdrop just yet!

  6. Another feast for our senses SIG
    and how very creative you are πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    I like everything about this one…


    • Thanks so much, Andro!
      I guess sometimes necessity really is the mother of invention – or at least has something to do with my taping random botanicals to the window, anyway!

    • *whew* I’m a bit relieved you didn’t notice any corners sticking out, Ms. B (I had taped this flower to a window to take the photo). In my paranoia I was sure at least a small part was poking out from behind!

    • I’m not going to lie to you, Dishy… I totally just Googled nori.
      I was guessing it might be some kind of fondant.
      I guess you could say I was just a little off on that one.

  7. I like the background you have it against. Finally starting to make headway in my RSS reader after the 2 weeks offline. Don’t have time to go back thrrough all the posts I missed though. Have a great weekend Robert & Annabelle.

    • I guess I hadn’t heard of that technique before…
      to you kind of ‘tighten’ the bottoms so they can’t crawl up (or is there maybe something in the tape they don’t like – or maybe both)?!

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