A Pink Kind of Blue


This is pretty close to ‘what I saw’, although I did pump-up the color a ‘bit’, etc. Shocking, right?!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Mrs. Tarantino: “Are you the police?”

Elwood Blues: “No, ma’am. We’re musicians.”

– Toni Fleming & Dan Aykroyd – The Blues Brothers

About this image: digital photograph (Canon 300D) lightly modified  in Adobe Photoshop

78 thoughts on “A Pink Kind of Blue

    • The sunsets are pretty wild, aren’t they?! I can see how they would be missed!
      A great movie, isn’t it?! I’ve still got a TON of quotes from there to get to.
      Aw, thanks, Ms. B! No! YOU Rawk!

    • For some reason as soon as I read ‘eyes’ that ‘Ben Stein’ ‘Clear Eyes’ commercial popped into my head…
      I wonder what that means…
      maybe I just have, ‘dry, irritated eyes’…

  1. You know what they say SIG red sky at night, a shepherds
    delight and so it must have been a wonderful day after this
    one was photographed 🙂 🙂 Brilliant picture SIG


    • Dude! I sure like the sound of that!
      It sure does look cold, doesn’t it?! To be honest I ‘stole’ a bit of the warmer tones because I kind of felt like playing with the contrast between blue / magenta (I’m telling you… those guys over at Adobe must be ripping their hair out by now)!

    • Good call, B.F! It is Michigan indeed!
      What a nice thing to say, thank you! Now I’m glad I didn’t post another b/w (I almost did, but figured it might be best to throw a bit of color in between)!

      • Are you from Michigan?! I think you are, but I wasn’t totally sure. That’s weird considering my last post about Michigan. It’s a true thing…as a kid I wanted to go there and be on a gymnastics team 🙂 Isn’t that strange? Well, it certainly looks like a beautiful place. 🙂

        • I’m originally from North Dakota (currently in St. Louis), but with all the Michigan photos I post it sure seems like I might be from there! Even to me!
          I wouldn’t say it’s that strange… when I was a kid I think I wanted to be in charge of a Moon-Base or something along those lines… not THAT is strange, B.F!

  2. In the midwest where I grew up, those types of sunrises and sunsets were fairly common but living in the cloudy gray Pac NW, we don’t get ’em as much. I can vouch for the colours being pretty close to real.

  3. Beautiful, beautiful. My son saw “pink” clouds this morning. He was certain they were snow clouds. I didn’t squash his thought, though I knew it was the sun creating the pinkness. No snow here in GA yet.

    • Thank you so much, Ms. D!
      I would imagine he gets pretty excited when it snows… I don’t think you generally get much snow in GA, do you?! I grew up in North Dakota, so I typically had… like… SEVEN months of perpetual snow (and cold… and ice…). After that experience I like that sort of weather for about a week, now… but then I’m over-it. Is it summer yet?!

  4. I love this kind of sky. I keep trying to capture them with my cell phone camera, but it’s never as good as with the naked eye. Have a great weekend yourself!

    • It can be tricky… trying to find a balance between exposing for sky and foreground ‘stuff’… that’s where a lot of HDR stuff gets used… or in my case just some selective Photoshoppery!
      Thanks so much, Peg! I hope you have a fantastic weekend, too!

  5. Love the pink sky. I see them far more than I can catch them. Then again, if I would put batteries in the camera…it may be a tad easier 😉

  6. I have seen the sky look like that. I’m glad you were able to capture it in all its glory. Reminds me of my dad’s favorite color: Sky-blue pink , he would say.

  7. It’s truly lovely, and some meditation music should be set to it. Hurry! Kidding, but for real, I have to go enlarge and lighten it, now, to look for anyone making out… 😉 [A few years ago, my tall adult son and his shorter BFF went to a Halloween party as the Blues Brothers, head to toe, Terrifyingly enough, they were so believable, I nearly hauled out the autograph book.

    • Hahaha… I might have to turn down all the guitars, then?! 😉
      That is very, very cool! Was your son Aykroyd or Belushi?! I’m not sure I could pull off the mannerisms of either one… sure sounds like a lot of fun, though!

  8. Is that color scheme available in cans, bottles or roll-up’s 😉 If the colors are how you saw them then that is how they should be. The pink and blue complement each other so well 🙂

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