A Little Hole in the Wall

This doorway is built into the side of a ‘tunnel’ in/under the Eads Bridge, downtown STL. Kinda interesting. I wish I wasn’t so shaky, though (as you can see the following conversation didn’t work out very well for me).

Me: “Sooooo… do you… come here… often?!”

Tripod: *sighs & rolls eyes* “Puhleeeze.”

About this image: digital photograph, lightly modified

Eads Bridge (faux wet plate collodion)

With all these flowers I’ll probably post a color version of the Eads Bridge too, but being its completion was way back in 1874 I couldn’t resist sharing a fake wet plate version first.

Sherlock Holmes: “Look at those towering structures. It’s the first combination of bascule and suspension bridge ever attempted. Most innovative. What an industrious empire.”

– Robert Downey Jr. – Sherlock Holmes

About this image: digital photograph heavily modified to replicate wet plate collodion